The Stream conveyor unit is used to connect a modular Printing line to a Flat bed die cutter equipped with lead edge feeder.

The Stream conveyor collects the printed corrugated cardboard in a shingled stream thanks to dedicated wheels which control the landing point of the incoming cardboard, the position of the wheels is adjustable according to the board length.

The shingled stream will then feed the Flat bed die cutter.

The exit end of the Stream conveyor is vertical and horizontal adjustable  to match the position of the Flat bed die cutter feeding hopper backstop.

The Stream conveyor follow electronically the speed of the printing line so that the shingling percentage is kept constant even when the speed change, the speed reference can also be passed to the Flat bed die cutter so to keep all the line in the same speed when the print increase/decrease its speed.

The Stream conveyor unit is fitted on rails for the lateral movement so that the two machine can eventually operate off line.

The Stream conveyor fit in standard containers or trucks for the delivery.

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